August 26, 2019 | 6:00 - 8:45 PM EDT

The 4th Voices of the Outstanding 50 Series:
Business Mentorship Network: Recognizing the Promise of Untapped Talent
Monday, August 26, 2019 | 6:00-8:45pm
Microsoft Flagship Store, 677 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022
For Asian American women, mentorship is a key driver for success. However, Asian American role models are hard to find (Nielsen – AABDC study, 2019). Asian American Women Leadership Conference participants identified cross-company mentoring program among the top three strategies that can make a difference in improving inclusion, development opportunities and career outcomes for Asian American women. Participants expressed a desire for their companies to offer such a program to benefit their Asian American employees.
Lucy Chan, (Retired) Vice President, IBM
Deborah Lee , (Retired) Tax Partner, Chinese Business Network, PwC
Namita Malik, Chief Financial Officer, Stoli Group