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Giving Today:
Standing Together with Asian Americans

Asian American Business Leadership Endowment

This endowment, supported by a growing network of generous benefactors, is dedicated to advancing key initiatives that foster the growth and success of Asian American entrepreneurs and professionals. These philanthropic contributions form a lasting source of funding that will connect leaders from diverse industries with opportunities to thrive, ensuring that AABDC's impact continues to expand and evolve for generations to come.

Community Empowerment

Supporting the AAPI community of corporate professionals and entrepreneurs in their career and leadership development. 

Fulfilling corporate goals toward contributing to communities. 

Enhanced Programming

Supporting AABDC's signature programs, such as Outstanding 50 Award in Business, Asian American Business Roundtable, while developing critical initiatives such as grants and leadership training, which are critical to the growth and success of Asian American entrepreneurs.

Long-Term Vision

Achieving its long-term vision of fostering a more inclusive and prosperous business environment for Asian Americans, ensuring that future generations have access to resources and opportunities.

Giving Today


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Stay tuned! We’re in the process of adding more donation options. Check back soon for additional ways to give.

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