About Us

The Asian American Business Development Center was established by John Wang in New York City in1994 to promote greater recognition of the contribution made by Asian American businesses and Asian American individuals to the general economy.

The Asian American Business Development Center aims to raise the representation of Asian Americans in corporate leadership, increase the numbers of Asian American women in senior roles, and advocate for economic equity for all minority-owned small businesses. AABDC promotes allyship among
diverse communities and works to foster long-lasting, productive relationships between minority populations and corporations.

We believe in celebrating excellence within our Asian American business community. We believe in speaking up and being seen as role models. We are bridge builders to other minority groups and strive for inclusivity, and not isolation.
28 Years Of Experience
AABDC encourages Asian Americans in business to be more actively involved in issues and policies that directly affect them at the federal, state, and city levels.
A significant presence not only within the Asian American business community but also among the U.S. corporate and public sector as well.
Advocate for minority groups, communities, and organizations.
Generate more opportunities and greater recognition for the Asian American community through diversity and inclusion initiatives.
An effective channel through which corporations are able to demonstrate their commitment to a diverse workforce and leadership.
Connections, and
Acknowledging Success
Our History
History of AABDC
1994 -Startup
Asian American Business Development Center was established.
1996 - Growth
Together with the African American and Hispanic business associations in New York.
2001 - Outstanding 50 Asian American in Businesses Award Gala
Established the annual Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award Gala dinner
in New York City.
2003 - Invest in New York
Lead first delegation of New York State legislators and businesses to China. Now known as "Invest in New York".
2010 - China Center in Shanghai
Opened New York in China Center in Shanghai.
2015 - AABR
Established Asian American Business Roundtable (AABR).
2016 - AABR Summit
Organized inaugural AABR Summit in Las Vegas.
2019 - Asian Women Conference
Hold the first Asian Women Conference.
2022 - Building Allyship, ERG Summit
Hold the first ERG Summit